留学生ふれあい交流 in いぶり参加者募集 Free to join
HIECC, Hokkaido International Exchange and Cooperation Center is going to held an event to promote international exchanges in Iburi district (see the original website).
1.日 程:11月7日(土)~8日(日)※1泊2日
2.内 容:アイヌ刺繍体験、ウポポイ訪問、洞爺湖有珠山ジオパーク訪問
4.定員:留学生 22名
7.締 切:10月16日(金)
1. Date: Sat. 7th to Sun.8th November (a 2-day trip: participation in all dates required)
2. Content: Ainu embroidery workshop, Visit UPOPOY, Visit Toya-Usu Geopark
3. Participation Fee: FREE
*You have to pay your travel expenses between your home and JR Sapporo Station.
4. Capacity: 22 international students in Hokkaido
5. How to apply: E-mail us with your following information below:
①name, ②age, ③gender, ④phone number,
⑤nationality & region (example: Hokkaido, Japan) and ⑥your university & grade
6. Email address: exch@hiecc.or.jp
7. Application Deadline: FRI. 16th October
(HIECCウェブサイトからの引用)Cited by HIECC website
ウポポイ / Upopoy / 民族共生象征空间
”Upopoy is not only a space and facility for revitalizing Ainu culture, but also a base for larger initiatives to revitalize and expand the Ainu culture, which is an invaluable culture in Japan but remains under threat. Upopoy is a symbol of the building of a forward-looking, vibrant society with a rich, diverse culture in which indigenous people are treated with respect and dignity, without discrimination.” (Cited by official website)
“UPOPOY(民族共生象征空间)不仅是一座致力于复兴阿伊努文化的空间和设施,也是日本为复兴和发展濒临消失的阿伊努文化这一珍贵文化而设立的基地。 此外,UPOPOY也是日本面向未来,努力建设一个尊重原住民族的尊严、没有歧视且认可多种多样文化的活力社会的象征。”(引用公式网页)
「目の前にある風景は、どのようにしてできたのでしょう? ふだん当たり前に見ている山や丘、海岸など、大地のかたちは、実は何万年何億年という長い時間をかけてつくられたものです。 豊かな森や動物、そして私たちの暮らしも、その中で育まれてきました。そこには、さまざまな「大地のものがたり」が隠されています。生きている地球と、生命とのつながりを、楽しく学べる貴重な場所。 それが「ジオパーク」です。」(公式ウェブサイトより)
“The Toya-Usu UNESCO Global Geopark is a geopark with Lake Toya at its center. Look for the donut shape on a map of Hokkaido. You’ll find a donut-shaped lake (10 km in diameter) in southwestern Hokkaido. This is Lake Toya.” (Cited by official website)