
【北海道観光】”ひだかセブンミッションズ” Hidaka7MISSIONS”(Promotion video for Hidaka area in Hokkaido)


面白い! Wonderful !!

オンライン観光PR動画です。It is series of online promotion videos aims to promote sightseeing in Hidaka district in Hokkaido Japan. It is wonderful to see. Worth to watching^^


本気度満載! Don’t miss it !

町長さんも登場(^o^) Hidaka is one of the most wonderful town in Hokkaido. It promotes its charm and attractive points with full strength.

日高ようこそ! Welcome to Hidaka^^

日高、魅力いっぱいです。北海道の観光先としてオススメです^^ Wishing to see you in Hidaka!